
Elanco Extinosad Pour on 5 Litre

$357.50 inc GST

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Product Description

Elanco Extinosad Pour on 5 Litre

DEAD FAST so you can be DEAD SURE

With Extinosad™ Pour-On you can be DEAD SURE when it comes to lice control. This product comes with a 6-month off-shears lice free guarantee*!

Extinosad™ Pour-On is registered for the control of spinosad-susceptible lice (Bovicola ovis) in sheep off-shears, suckling lambs and sheep with long wool. It has the following key benefits:

  • Powerful knockdown chemistry that starts killing lice within hours of contact1
  • Unique mode of action2 that kills lice like no other, ideal for rotation programs
  • No known field resistance, kills IGR and SP resistant strains of lice1
  • Maximum marketing flexibility with a nil withholding period for wool and an ESI of only 21 days when applied off-shears or to unshorn lambs
  • Maximum management flexibility being able to be applied to sheep off-shears, with long wool or unshorn lambs
  • Water based, odourless formulation with a favourable safety profile that poses minimal risk to livestock, shearers, farm workers and the environment

Effective lice control protects the productivity of Australian sheep and wool growers.

By effectively controlling lice, Extinosad™ Pour-On can reduce the impact of lice which includes:

  • Skin irritation, biting and rubbing
  • Fleece derangement, cotted wool and broken wool fibres
  • Distinctive smell and yellowish wool
  • Skin thickening and pelt damage (e.g. cockle)
  • Unable to sell sheep if lousy at sale yards in certain states
  • Reduced fleece value of $3 – $103

Important Safety Information

Prior to use, please consult the product label for complete instructions.

Withholding Periods

MILK: DO NOT USE on ewes that are producing or may in the future produce milk that may be used or processed for human consumption.
MEAT:  Off-Shears: DO NOT USE less than 14 days before slaughter for human consumption.
Suckling lambs: DO NOT USE less than 14 days before slaughter for human consumption.
Long wool: NIL

Export Slaughter Interval

Off-shears: DO NOT USE less than 21 days before slaughter for export.
Suckling lambs: DO NOT USE less than 21 days before slaughter for export.
Long wool: Zero (0) days


  1. Off-shears: Dose rates are to be based on the heaviest sheep in each group (ewes, rams, lambs).
  2. Reduced effectiveness is likely if used on sheep with lumpy wool.

extinosad pour on app diagram

Recommendations for lice control

  • It is recommended that a thorough muster be conducted so that no untreated sheep remain.
  • Boundary fences should be checked to ensure animals are contained and stray sheep are excluded.
  • Treated sheep must be kept separate from lice infested sheep or sheep of unknown lice status.
  • For effective control, every sheep on the property should be treated at the same time.
  • Avoid split shearing.
  • Avoid treating ewes within six weeks of the commencement of lambing.
  • Sheep that require a long wool treatment should be retreated with an off-shears or short wool product at the next shearing.

Recommended Applicators

Use only an Elanco approved applicator. DO NOT use any other applicator.

  1. The 15 mL Extinosad™ Pour-On Applicator fitted with 4 hole T Bar nozzle is recommended for use on unshorn lambs and sheep off-shears (≤60kg).
  2. The 30 mL Extinosad™ Pour-On Applicator fitted with 4 hole T Bar nozzle is recommended for use on sheep off-shears (>60kg) and in long wool.
  3. The 30 mL Genesis Power Doser™ fitted with 4 hole T Bar nozzle is recommended for both off-shears and long wool use. The recommended operating pressure for off-shears use is 42–45 psi and in long wool is 50–55 psi.

After use, wash applicator with clean water.

pour on dose table 1


  1. Levot, G (2008) Speed of action and in vitro efficacy of spinosad against sheep body lice, Bovicola ovis(Schrank) (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae), resistant to pyrethroid, organophosphate or insect growth regulator insecticides.  Aust. J. of Ent. 47, 251–255.
  2. Cisneros, J. et al. (2002) Toxic effects of spinosad on predatory insects. Biological Control, 23, 156–163.
  3. James, P (2013) Why control sheep lice? Economic effects of lice on production, www.liceboss.com.au (AWI, Sheep CRC).

*Visit extinosad.com.au or contact your rural store for terms and conditions.

Additional Information

Weight 6 kg
Dimensions 26 × 38 × 12 cm


Extinosad MSDS

Extinosad Label