640 doser new

Select 640 Doser with VTH25 Sensor

$2,773.16 inc GST

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Product Description

Select 640 Doser with VTH25 Flow Sensor

NEW – FREE Introductory Ebook on Water Dosing

In order to provide a starting point for people interested in the subject of Water Dosing, Think Livestock have recently compiled a FREE 23 Page Ebook. This is a great starting point for anyone who is interested in installing a Water Dosing System on farm, but doesn’t really know how to go about. To get the FREE Ebook, simply enter your email in the box provided (and we will send you the download link):


The Select 640 Doser Model is ideal for use in situations where a larger output is required. The same range of products can be dosed as with the Select-480.

The Select 640 Doser is a unique and innovative water dosing system designed for use in agricultural and other situations where products including vaccines, vitamins, minerals, chlorine, soluble fertilizers or other solutions are dispensed into water proportionately to the flow. The Select Doser helps take the guesswork out of water consumption to help you better manage your dosing system. The Select 640 incorporates a powerful motor and gearbox to give reliable and trouble-free performance.

Precision Water Management

Using a computer programmed peristaltic pump, the Select Doser compresses a soft tube to move solutions into watering systems.

It accurately and uniformly administers the proper water/product ratio.

  • Select Doser performance yields highly accurate dosages all the time.
  • Accuracy is 95+ percent, superior to more variable water or electric pumps that can wear out, especially if dispensing aggressive materials.
  • Precise dosing results in fewer health problems and faster gains in animal operations.
  • Long lasting with minimal maintenance required. Unclipping the used tube and inserting a new one effectively renews the pump.

A series of simple on-screen menu commands allow the operator to choose between a number of pre-set allowable dosing ratios. The standard range is between 1:20 (5%) and 1:40,000 (0.0025%) in 15 stages covering all of the normal dosing ratios. A single pump tube size is used for all dosing ratios. Additional tube sizes can be used for specialist applications. The correct tube to use is indicated onscreen.

  • You have the option to customize and add additional ratios to meet your needs (no extra charge).
  • Total water consumption and current water flow are displayed on the monitor
  • A ‘meter only’ feature allows the Select 640 Doser to act as a water meter when dosing is not required Dosing Manual

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Additional Information

Weight 2.5 kg
Dimensions 35 × 30 × 30 cm