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Pigeon Paramyxovirus (PPMV) in Australia

Pigeon Paramyxovirus ( PPMV)

In Australia pigeon owners are vaccinating there flocks against the Avian Paramyxovirus, some having little experience at vaccinating birds.

Even those who had experience at vaccinating had to deal with minimum pack size being 500ml ( 1000 pigeon doses). In an effort to help make this process easy for them, and to help lower the cost of the vaccine through “pack-sharing” we soon devleoped our Pigeon Vaccination Kit.

This kit contains everything needed by each breeder to allow them to decant the amount of vaccine they need for their own flock form a (500ml) pack of the required vaccine. So if a group of breeders each purchase their own kit, they are able tos hare out the vaccine without contaminating the main pack.

Think Livestock are stocking a small supply of the killed vaccine, Poulvac.

For more information, please visit this articles web page

Pigeon Vaccination Kit

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